Here’s the Science on Mixing CBD with Caffeine

The hemp compound does not cause a high. However, it has been proven to decrease anxiety, help with sleep, reduce inflammation and other positive effects on your health. CBD product manufacturers never cease to innovate, no matter if you love chocolates, candies, or ice cream. But What are the effects of CBD/caffeine mix? Combining stimulant caffeine with supposedly soothing CBD seems a bit counterintuitive.

Although CBD may have health-enhancing potential, research into the effects of CBD when combined with caffeine is sparse. One reason is that CBD, which comes from the hemp plant and not the marijuana plant, was until recently lumped with marijuana. This made it much more difficult for federal funding to be obtained for research. However, with the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, it’s possible that the market for marijuana products (and research into the how they work) will grow even more in 2019.

According to Eater. New York City’s health department has recently stated that CBD cannot now be served in edibles such as lattes. This is despite their push towards legalizing CBD research. CBD can still be sold as an ingredient in other forms. You’re also free to mix your own CBD lattes.

However, there have been some studies looking at what happens when you combine the two. A study published the Journal of Internal Medicine showed that and cannabis use some of the same pathways inside the brain. “The levels of neurotransmitters in the endocannabinoid-system — the same ones affected with cannabis — decrease when you drink four to eight cups a day of coffee. Bustle was informed via email that the results were the exact opposite of what happens when someone uses cannabis.

The exact effects of CBD with caffeine are still being researched, although there is plenty of data. Anecdotally, CBD-induced chills can be countered by caffeine. Dr. Bonni Goldstein MD (the medical director of Cannacenters) told CadyDrell, writing for Marie Clairethat how someone with CBD reacts is a case to case matter — and that the effects of combining it with coffee aren’t completely understood.

She stated, “It’s not clear at this point in the time the exact interaction CBD/caffeine.” CBD is a stimulant, but can also cause sedation when taken in lower doses. A combination of these compounds can cause a variety of reactions. Different doses could affect how someone reacts.

Well+Good journalist Erin Magner reported that some people claim that mixing CBD and coffee can increase alertness without the side effects of caffeine. CBD can be used to help with the effects of caffeine. Jewel Zimmer, founder and CEO of CBD oil brand Junea, shared her experience with Well+Good.

While research into CBD’s effects in combination with caffeine isn’t strong enough, it is improving. Knowing the facts about CBD can help you make educated decisions about the products you choose.