CBD and melatonin are everywhere. There’s solid evidence that these products can assist sleep, but it’s vital to discover when they may be most helpful, how to take them, and any side effects and contraindications.
Melatonin Advantages
Melatonin is a brain chemical that everyone creates; however, production declines with age. It regulates daily and yearly biological cycles, including sleep/wake. Baby melatonin is why newborns sleep so much. It’s high for most teenagers and college students. Some people produce more natural melatonin than others. There’s a hereditary component that explains why certain families have sleeplessness.
Melatonin is considered the sleep hormone. Naturally occurring indole amine includes serotonin. Melatonin and serotonin are connected, and a serotonin shortage can lower melatonin levels.
Human research demonstrates that melatonin supports healthy sleep, including falling asleep, sleep efficiency, and waking. In one trial, melatonin administration supported normal sleep start, maintenance, efficiency, and activity within one week. Another randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled research of 33 people over 16 days found that melatonin supplementation supports sleep start, quality, depth, and duration without daytime sleepiness or side effects. Melatonin enhances antioxidant activity, cardiovascular health, and immunological function.
Sleep and Melatonin
Melatonin affects when we fall asleep, not how long we sleep. Melatonin helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm or internal clock. Melatonin can be produced in bone marrow, platelets, the GI system, eyes, skin, and lymphocytes, but the pineal gland regulates it (just behind your forehead). When everything is working well, a significant dosage of it is released just before night. Our contemporary lifestyle might cause problems with that system.
Light exposure is one. We developed to respond to dawn and sunset, with melatonin making us asleep 2-3 hours after sunset. If the sun sets at 7:00 PM, we should be in bed by 10:00 PM. In winter, the sun may set before 5 PM and after 9 PM, far north of the equator. Summer isn’t a problem. Winter’s early sunset may encourage 7 or 8 PM sleep. Since melatonin wears out after 2-3 hours, most individuals get a second wind after sleep.
Artificial light is worse. Even a little exposure to light around 9 or 10 PM may delay our natural melatonin release by two hours, meaning we may miss nature’s message to sleep.
CBD and Sleep
Most research on cannabidiol (CBD) has focused on anxiety disorders, stress, and general anxiety. Stress and anxiety-related sleep disturbance are widespread; therefore, this research is beneficial. Poor quality research on CBD for sleep may explain why outcomes are inconsistent. A recent study on CBD for sleep issues appears promising.
CBD anxiety gummies support stress- and anxiety-related sleep issues, according to a study. Evidence supports CBD’s use for anxiety.
Melatonin Isn’t a Long-Term Fix
Melatonin should only be used for short-term sleep “resets” After then, it can be used as needed or to restore a sleep regimen. It’s the same with CBD. Melatonin can be taken consistently for extended lengths of time under the advice of a skilled healthcare practitioner.
Why Not Long-Term?
The body usually creates melatonin without our help. Misaligned schedules, late-night gadget usage, and time changes might affect melatonin. Melatonin can help the body rebalance. Extended usage relieves the body of its melatonin synthesis responsibilities. As the melatonin pill wears off and the body’s natural production diminishes, wakefulness might recur.
CBD Dosage/Use
CBD has no defined dosage, and people respond differently to different doses. Adults often take 15-30 milligrams of CBD daily. The suggested dose is higher in certain cases, including pain or inflammation, but this moderate range is ideal for anxiety, sleep, and mood.
After consulting a doctor, look for a high-quality, broad-spectrum, all-natural, non-GMO, and THC-free hemp product. THC may induce anxiety, and long-term usage is linked to sleep disturbance. CBD usually takes 10-15 mg twice daily, with or without meals, or 20-30 mg once daily.